Archive for February, 2011

Read better and faster

I couldn’t help notice how long it took my wife to read a book. She was immersed in a hefty 1002-page soft cover fiction. I asked if when she reads does she hear (or sound out) the words in her head. She nodded and ignored me. Proceeding to expound on the technical virtues of “finger […]


An hour and half?! You’re kidding, right?

Just over a hundred years ago an obscure economist noticed that a mere 20% of the population controlled 80% of the wealth. This is the basis for the principle we’ve come to know as the 80/20 rule. Simply stated: 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort… I think the rule is fascinating […]


Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines…

Why do we need deadlines? Because deadlines work. Period. My tendency is to bite off more than I can chew. Add a pinch of procrastination, mix in some laziness and serve. Bad recipe. Often, my mouth is ahead of my brain… “No, you can’t have it yesterday!… er, (sigh) well… just a sec, lemme see […]


Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Unemployment

Scanning the headlines today I ran across an article talking about the unemployment rate in the United States. The writer of the article quoted The Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke about the fact that the unemployment rate will not drop to pre-financial crisis levels for a few years. The U.S. economy simply isn’t creating enough […]


Ten Quick Tips to Better Time Management

I remember one particular year in direct sales. The cold-calling, door-knocking old school kind of direct sales. Fun. Let’s just say I was less than productive during that year but the experience gained was very valuable. Here are 10 tips I learned along the way… 1.  Leave some time between tasks and appointments. Do not […]


The Humble hPDA…

Talk about sheer inspiration and maybe even a smattering of genius… I gotta admit — I love technology. Especially the shiny, glitzy and uber-intuitive kind of technology — iphones, ipads, notebooks, and on and on… and particularly when it comes to playing… er, working with to-do lists and contact management software. But when I read […]