Archive for the ‘Time Management’ Category

Visualization for Time Management Part 1

“…your brain sees no difference whatsoever between visualizing something and actually doing it.” — Jack Canfield, The Success Principles. Visualization is a just a term for a principle that’s been around for a long time. Fifty or so years ago, Maxwell Maltz called it “Theatre of the mind”. Before him, Napoleon Hill wrote about it […]


Time management: Myth or Miracle?

Untold volumes of literature have been written about the concept of time management and personal productivity. I’ve produced many articles on the subject of better performance, procrastination, and organization. Add to that tips, techniques, and tactics to help you get more done. This idea of providing advice where “the rubber meets the road” is well […]


An Efficient Time Management Program Needs This…

Working throughout the day I glance at the large wall clock sometimes wondering if the battery needs replacing. Other times, it appears as if the minute hand sweeps so briskly I dare not sneak a glance for fear of losing that precious microsecond of productivity. Regardless of how I feel… whether I’m a procrastinator or […]


3 Time Management Tips To Use Today

Here are three tips to improve your productivity and add to your time management skills that you can start using today. Spending a lot of time on the phone has it’s upside. Scheduling appointments for phone interviews and conferences saves travel time and allows you the flexibility of working from your own office. Phone appointments […]


Time Management Tool: Procrastination

Taking on more and more clients in a service business would seem like a great thing to do. After all, more clients equals more revenue, right? The answer is: Maybe. Solo service providers often enjoy a closer working relationship with clients that larger companies don’t. The longer my clients stayed with me, the better. Of […]


Read better and faster

I couldn’t help notice how long it took my wife to read a book. She was immersed in a hefty 1002-page soft cover fiction. I asked if when she reads does she hear (or sound out) the words in her head. She nodded and ignored me. Proceeding to expound on the technical virtues of “finger […]


An hour and half?! You’re kidding, right?

Just over a hundred years ago an obscure economist noticed that a mere 20% of the population controlled 80% of the wealth. This is the basis for the principle we’ve come to know as the 80/20 rule. Simply stated: 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort… I think the rule is fascinating […]


Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines…

Why do we need deadlines? Because deadlines work. Period. My tendency is to bite off more than I can chew. Add a pinch of procrastination, mix in some laziness and serve. Bad recipe. Often, my mouth is ahead of my brain… “No, you can’t have it yesterday!… er, (sigh) well… just a sec, lemme see […]


Ten Quick Tips to Better Time Management

I remember one particular year in direct sales. The cold-calling, door-knocking old school kind of direct sales. Fun. Let’s just say I was less than productive during that year but the experience gained was very valuable. Here are 10 tips I learned along the way… 1.  Leave some time between tasks and appointments. Do not […]