What’s the Big Deal About Being Productive?

Why in the world would anyone really want to be productive… what’s the point anyway?

It’s a fair question.

In an existential moment I’ll find myself staring out of the coffee shop window watching the early morning commuters going to and fro, hither and thither. What are all those people doing with their time today?

The scene reminded reminded of conversation I had with another solopreneurial friend. He had recently took a long-deserved holiday in a  warmer climate than the one we live in. He talked about the beaches, the weather, and the people… the usual stuff.

Then he told me about the one thing that bugged him. He said he went to Mexico to relax and get his mind off business…

“I got out of bed and went out for a nice breakfast only to be jostled by the same morning crowd I left back home. It’s the same thing there as it is here… y’know, people hustlin’ around tryin’ to make a buck. It kinda made me irritated. I don’t know why I even went there.”

Obviously, he went to recharge the batteries, but I still found his comments amusing. I think, almost everyone… in one way or another is trying to improve their lot in life. It’s the reason they get out of bed and put in time at the job. Work hard for a while to gain enough (cash?) to better their existence. The whole “human condition” thing Maslow wrote about.

So working for a living is a given. Just showing up is enough to get a paycheck.

Why bother with productivity?

The world is full of people who settle for mediocrity. The masses who commute back and forth taking whatever is offered.

I’m not against contentment. Far from it.

I just figure, if you’re gonna work… why not do the best you’re capable of?

You benefit. Your boss (if you have one) benefits. The people who buy the stuff you (or your boss) sell, benefits. Everyone benefits because you do your part. You make more money because you produce higher quality than the next guy. You’re compensated even more because you get twice as much done than your peers do. Promotions come easier. Maybe even awards, special bonuses, and quota-busting, all-expense paid trips too.

Recognition, admiration, and praise for superior performance are incredibly strong motivators… in addition to the monetary kind.

But the one thing I’ve noticed among productive people is…

They simply love the thought of being productive.

It reminds of a quote I heard recently:

If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters…”

Just thinking…

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