Posts Tagged ‘skills’

How One Small Change Yields a Huge Gain in Productivity

Friend: “What time do you get up?” Me: “My day starts 5:00 am”. Friend: “Why on earth would you get up that early?!  You are so motivated!”… Me: “Motivated?… Nah, I just do it. It’s just routine.” It’s odd to answer these questions whenever they are asked because arising early has been a natural thing […]


Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Unemployment

Scanning the headlines today I ran across an article talking about the unemployment rate in the United States. The writer of the article quoted The Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke about the fact that the unemployment rate will not drop to pre-financial crisis levels for a few years. The U.S. economy simply isn’t creating enough […]


Super-Productivity For The Solopreneur

You and I enjoy a great arrangement. And share a problem… We work alone. We enjoy the solitude. We love the autonomy. We like the thought that we can write our own paycheck. We’re responsible for our own results. That’s the good part… The problem happens when we let our bad habits dictate how productive […]